Become a member of Backyard Abundance and join a vibrant and engaged gardening community that learns from one another.
Discounts on products and classes
Access to all our publications
Access to professional landscape designs
Receive discounts on select products and classes. Classes are discounted during registration with a member-only code.
Gain online access to our researched publications. From step-by-step instructions for designing your landscape to creating an indoor worm bin, these exclusive resources will help you increase the health of your family and landscape.
Available Publications
Permaculture Resources
Scale of Permanence
Wild Edibles
Landscape Analysis Resources
Permaculture Principles
Steps to Design and Environmentally Healthy Landscape
Design Strategy
Edible Landscaping Plans
Grow Easy Vegetables
Grow Easy Fruits
Grow Herbal Tea
Pollinator Gardens
Ever-Blooming Gardens
Deer-Resistant Gardens
Healing Gardens
Desired Species Notes
Seeding Native Plants
Grow Herbs in Turfgrass
Designing Plant Guilds
Establishing Ground Covers
Plant Guild Species Form
Implementation Plan
Create a New Garden Bed
Create an Indoor Worm Bin
Build a Toad House
Landscape Designs
Gain online access to high-resolution landscape design projects complete with analysis notes, concept designs, and the exact placement of every plant. The design patterns can be used to stimulate ideas for designing your yard and the researched plant communities and plant lists will help you put the right plants in the right places.
Available Designs
Family Edible Landscape
Acreage of Meandering Beauty
Orchard and Vineyard Homestead
Rural Food Forest
Shady and Diverse Backyard
Coe College Permaculture Garden
Urban Edibles and Natives
​​One-Year Membership Prices
$30: Limited income
$75: Individual
$120: Household
Online Payment
Visit PayPal to make your secure, membership payment. Enter the desired membership level: $30, $75 or $120.

Mail Payment
You can also mail your payment:
Backyard Abundance
Attn: Membership
P.O. Box 1605
Iowa City, IA 52244
Work-Trade Membership
Free membership is available to volunteers willing to donate at least 5 hours of service each year to Backyard Abundance tasks. See our list of volunteer opportunities and contact us if you are interested.
Corporate Membership
Please contact us if your company is interested in becoming a corporate member. We can tailor educational events for your employees to help meet the goals of your green initiatives.